
Reputaction Products List


The service marketing the arts and inventions of artists and inventors thanks to legally binding digital certificates and NFT, click here to see ArtistCert!

The patented hardened crypto wallet

Bitcoin offline transaction patent with hardware wallet
Reputation has filed a patent to be able to make instant Bitcoin or token transactions, even offline, forbidden to criminals and rewarding the relational value of products and purchases. That new type of hardened crypto wallet can be used to transfer Bitcoin or security tokens in compliance with the law thanks to the possibility to add conditions checked before the transfer, such as KYC/AML... Click here to find out more !

The relational value marketplace

Reputaction has used the secure blockchain technology to show how to certify product traceability, in particular, in order to certify who contributes to the design, manufacture and marketing of products. All product information is certified by the employees themselves on a decentralized, transparent and unalterable database, called the public NEO blockchain. Nobody can cheat with false information without being detected, even Reputaction, because once saved, information can not be deleted due to the design of the open-source smart contract that has been deployed by Reputaction, which is used by the relational value marketplace and which prohibits any deletion. Click here to find out more about the relational value market place!

Reputaction overall architecture
relational value marketplace
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